Music And Meditation

When we speak something or play any music or sing there is certain energy created which flows in the air through sound. If that sound/energy has peaceful notes then we can feel the peacefulness within which helps in meditation and calming our mind.

-Pramisha Luitel

The author is a researcher and is currently pursuing her PhD scholar in Music at University of Delhi.

Music and meditation can go hand in hand. Music is created by arranging various sounds. There can be specific sounds for meditation as well. Meditation is an activity that keeps us calm and focused. Music leads to an altered state of consciousness and if music is arranged in a certain way, then it can be used to meditate as well.

Not just the arrangement of sounds or instruments but the sound of nature also creates an aura for meditation. Music and sound can heal if it is in the right pitch. Many people even use background meditation music while meditating as it helps to keep themselves away from distraction and focus only on one direction.

Music is an effective medium to take you towards divinity. Once you become a devotee, longing to sing the divine comes naturally to you. Music can be very uplifting and it can draw you towards higher consciousness. There is an inherited science in music as well. 

Music creates emotions. It can make us happy from sad and vice versa. It can create joy in us. In the same way, meditation helps us in achieving calmness and harmony. Although some say that one needs to avoid music while meditating or may listen to music before or after meditation but must remain silent while meditating, this depends on one’s own way of meditating. Meditation cannot be placed to a rigid way of practice as it means focus, and as long as one is focused in the practice of meditation, it is the right way of meditating.

For example; while you are studying if your complete focus is on your study then it is meditation. But at the same time if you play music while you study it helps you focus more.

Among western music, trance music can be the best example for meditating music. Due to its repetitive rhythm, it can create an aura of meditation. In eastern rhythms, we use the word AUM(OM), consisting of three sounds: AA, UU and MM. Technically if you observe, if you remove your tongue or do not move it only these three sounds are produced from within you. There are only these three sounds that are formed. Other sounds are just a mixture of tongue. The utterance of correct sound and meditation goes hand in hand. These are the fundamental sounds of existence. When we utter these three sounds AA, UU and MM it activates the whole system of the body. Similarly it activates mind also for divine meditation. Music can activate your higher mind for meditating process.

When we speak something or play any music or sing there is certain energy created which flows in the air through sound. If that sound/energy has peaceful notes then we can feel the peacefulness within which helps in meditation and calming our mind.

Music heals and in the same way meditation heals as well. It heals you from the pain. It also relieves you from stress and anxiety. It improves your sleep. Music helps in deeper meditation. Not just mental but meditation can help in physical health as well. Mediation and music helps in focus and concentration.

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